Grapefruits: Warning Food and Drug Interaction

The Canadian Medical Association
Journal (CMAJ) released a review
of drugs that interact with
Grapefruit, “43 drugs in dangerous ways.”

Ask your physician or pharmacist to provide
a fact sheet on Food and Drug Interactions
when prescribed a new medication.

Dietitians and Nutrition in the News,
Week of October 21 to 27, 2012

Melissa Joy Dobbins, RD and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, and her 12-year-old daughter Sarah came into ABC7 studio to share tips for managing your sweets and how you can keep your kids from overeating their candy.

Calls for more transparency and better science on everything from genetically modified foods to the effect of factory-farmed dairy cattle on milk offered a dizzying array of opportunities for funders who are interested in health, nutrition and sustainability.

Whole Grains For Healthy Family Meals
Liz Weiss, RD explains how you can incorporate healthy whole grains into several meals throughout the week that your entire family will enjoy.

By Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen, MS, RD
A study published in the September issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, concluded that fish oil doesn’t lower heart disease risk. “This study had some basic flaws,” says Tribole. “They didn’t measure compliance, there was no background information on omega-6 intake, and there was no omega-3 index done, a test that measures DHA and EPA in fatty tissues”

Tribole explains that this is an ongoing issue, as many people complain that taking fish oil results in fishy burps. And the benefits of fish oil get murky when people consume high levels of omega-6 fatty acids because these fats compete for the same enzymes as omega-3s, crowding them out.

by Jennifer Sygo, M.Sc., RD, and sports nutritionist
"While any carbohydrate-based food you eat ultimately breaks down into sugar, causing blood sugar levels to rise, that doesn’t necessarily lead directly to type 2 diabetes. Instead, the bigger risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes appears to be excess weight, especially around the mid-section, which triggers the release of various compounds, including known as inflammatory cytokines that are thought to contribute to insulin resistance. Aside from excess weight, other factors that influence the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes include gender, age, ethnic background and genetics. Diet and exercise are also factors, but it is the overall quality of the diet, and especially fruit and vegetable intake, seems to be more important in predicting risk than sugar intake only.

"The Collegiate and Professional Sports Dietitians Association working mainly for college athletics programs, is asking the N.C.A.A. to do away with the one-meal-per-day limit and “instead permit unlimited interval feedings as needed throughout the day to fully restore athletes and make them ‘whole again.”

The group is recommending that “all college athletes, whether or not they receive financial assistance, be offered unfettered access without restriction to whole foods and, as necessary, dietary supplements, to replace nutrients, fluids and electrolytes expended while preparing for their sport.”

Amanda Loscar, RD with Giant Eagle is employed to help customers with health conditions make healthier food choices. Loscar is among 22 dietitians Giant Eagle hired in the past three years. They work in 36 of its stores in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Maryland. The O'Hara-based company, with 230 stores, is jumping on a national trend of grocers employing dietitians to assist customers
Andrea Mawson, BSc, RD reassures Halloween doesn’t have to be a nutritional nightmare for you and your family if you approach the holiday with a plan in place.

Brooke Mercedes, RD helps us sort through calorie, sugar and fat confusion with Halloween treats.

How Do You Rate Your Family's Nutrition?
Kim Shapira, RD answers our Mom On The Street questions.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is calling for voters
to be made aware of an error in the California Official Voter
Information Guide regarding Proposition 37



CHICAGO – The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is calling for voters to be made aware of an error in the California Official Voter Information Guide regarding Proposition 37, which inaccurately states that the Academy “has concluded that biotech foods are safe.” 

The false statement is used as an “Argument Against Proposition 37” in the voter’s guide.

“We are concerned that California’s voters are being misled to believe the nation’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals is against Proposition 37, when in fact, the Academy does not have a position on the issue,” said registered dietitian Ethan A. Bergman, president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

“Voters need accurate information in order to make an informed choice,” Bergman said.

The voter’s guide was published by the Secretary of State, with a disclaimer that its accuracy has not been verified and that the opinions stated are those of the authors. An expired, and therefore invalid, position of the Academy apparently was used by the guide’s authors to draw the erroneous conclusion regarding Proposition 37. 

The Academy does not have a position on issues pertaining to labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or genetically engineered (GE) foods.

The inaccurate information has led to confusion and an inaccurate portrayal of in the media and health-care community of the Academy and its state affiliate, the California Dietetic Association.

“In addition to being untruthful, the statement attributed to the Academy may give voters a false impression of registered dietitians and the Academy. Our members are the nation’s trusted and credible source of food and nutrition information,” Bergman said.

As an evidence-based organization, the Academy extensively analyzes relevant scientific studies before taking a position on any issue and systematically reviews and updates its positions as needed. A new position paper that will address GMO and GE foods is expected to be published in 2013.

Media contact: Ryan O’Malley, Allison MacMunn
800/877-1600, ext. 4769, 4802 

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the Academy at

London Calling: Sports Dietitians Help Prepare
World-Class Athletes for Olympics

For Release July 17, 2012

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics members are 
helping propel athletes to achieve the Olympic motto:
Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger).

(CHICAGO) As more than 10,500 of the world’s most elite athletes prepare to compete in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics members are helping ensure Team USA athletes have the nutritional support they need to compete and win. In fact, the United State Olympic Committee is sending more sports dietitians to London than any previous Olympics, according to a recent article in the Academy’s Food & Nutrition magazine.

“For athletes, nutrition has been described as one leg of a three-legged stool. Genetic endowment coupled with sport-specific training and coaching cannot stand on their own without proper food and fluid intake,” says registered dietitian Christine Rosenbloom, author of the article and editor-in-chief of Sports Nutrition: A Manual for Professionals 5th ed. (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2012). “In recent years a shift has taken place in nutrition tactics in fueling athletes. Athletes seek every edge they can get, and proper nutrition can help provide it.

“Registered dietitians have the ability to show athletes how to tweak their diets to get the most out of the training without giving up all of their favorite foods. We provide real world solutions for the busy, competitive athlete,” says Rosenbloom.

Registered dietitians are finding creative ways to feed athletes to help them get the most out of their training. Shawn Dolan, senior USOC sport dietitian, provides nutrition coaching for team sports including volleyball, beach volleyball, water polo, field hockey, rugby and archery. Many of her athletes focus on achieving and maintaining lean body mass to have the endurance, agility and skill they need.

“I find that blanket nutrition recommendations are not always helpful, as different athletes on the same team have different nutritional needs,” says Dolan. “The field hockey goalie is different from a midfielder who might run several miles during a match, so altering dietary intake based on physiological demands of the position is important.” 

“Athletes and their nutrition needs can differ significantly from the general public’s,” says Rosenbloom. “Michael Phelps was eating 8,000- to 10,000-calorie-per-day diet while in training for the 2008 Olympics, while most moderately active males need between 2,000 and 2,800 per day. Carbohydrate and protein-rich diets are needed for athletes to help maximize muscle glycogen stores and promote muscle protein synthesis.”

Jennifer Gibson, USOC’s sport dietitian for acrobat and combat sports, works with athletes who compete in weight class sports like judo, taekwondo, boxing and wrestling. Working with each athlete, she develops a “body weight code of conduct” to identify the competition weight weeks before the event, so weight loss can be done in a healthful way.

USOC sports dietitians must have dual degrees in dietetics and exercise physiology, be a registered dietitian and hold the CSSD credential.

Nutrition, Islam and the Olympics

More than 3,000 Muslim athletes will participate in the Olympic Games and this year, Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, will coincide with the competition. (Olympic Games are July 27-August 12 and Ramadan is July 20-August 18.) Food or fluid intake is allowed only before sunrise and after sunset which could impair athletic performance. Athletes may choose to postpone the fast until after the Games to perform at their best. A recent article in the Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine studied athletes running middle distances (5000 meters) while fasting and found changes in muscular performance and oxygen kinetics could affect performance during middle-distance events. Sports dietitians working with athletes who fast for Ramadan can help provide the right balance of energy and nutrients before sunrise and after sunset.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at

77th Florida Dietetic Association Annual Symposium

Between July 1 - 4, 2012, I will be reporting from the  Florida Dietetic Association Annual Symposium.  Follow on Twitter - Hash tag #FDA77.

The Florida Dietetic Association Board, Executive Director and headquarters staff are proud to extend an invitation to attend the 77th annual symposium in Orlando, Florida.

The FDA annual symposium is always planned with an eye for emerging trends, understanding controversies, and offering a wide-spectrum of educational opportunities. This year there is over 30 educational sessions, including the “Great Vitamin D Debate”, biochemistry of protein to informatics, wound healing, feeding kids, and the latest on dietary guidelines and trends. There will be 80+ vendors providing valuable information and exciting new products.

Join us as we gather for  diverse educational sessions lead by nationally-recognized speakers in a setting that offers the best of what Florida has to offer.

Join FDA at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel & Spa on July 1 - 4, 2012
2012 FDA Annual Symposium

Program (PDF format)
Registration Form (PDF format)
Registration can be faxed to 850-386-7918,
mail to FDA,
PO Box 12608, Tallahassee, FL,

In Wake of Supreme Court's Decision, Academy Will Continue Working to Ensure Access to Nutrition Services

For Release June 28, 2012

In Wake of Supreme Court’s Decision,
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics will Continue Working
To Ensure Access to Nutrition Services

CHICAGO – Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on June 28 that upholds the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) said it will continue working to ensure the public has access to high-quality and potentially lifesaving food and nutrition services.

The Affordable Care Act includes multiple provisions that increase the public’s access to health care and intend to transform the system towards delivery of coordinated care.

“As the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics supports reform provisions that enable the expansion of medical nutrition therapy coverage and increased public access to registered dietitians for preventive care,” said registered dietitian and Academy President Ethan A. Bergman.

“This law takes significant steps to ensure the public has increased access to free preventive services that improve health, prevent disease and lower long-term costs,” Bergman said.

“Registered dietitians are among the providers who play a key role in these initiatives, including the childhood obesity demonstration project, home visiting programs, Medicaid expansion, expanded Medicare preventive services through medical nutrition therapy, employee wellness programs and community transformation grants.

“The continuation of this law supports the valuable work registered dietitians and other qualified nutrition professionals are doing to prevent illness and improve the well-being of all Americans,” Bergman said. “By collaborating with strategic partners and coalitions, the Academy is determined to stay at the forefront of health-care reform,” Bergman said.

“As the health-care system evolves, there are many opportunities for registered dietitians and other providers to help prevent chronic disease and improve the health of all Americans. We will continue to provide essential care to consumers in settings such as hospitals, schools, community centers, nursing homes and private practice,” Bergman said.


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at

Kids Eat Right, Monday Message for June 25, 2012

Article of the Week
How much water does your child need? Properly hydrate by taking into account your child's age, activity level as well as outside temperature and humidity.

Hot Tip
Do your kids love peaches and nectarines? Don't refrigerate them if they're not ripe.

Recipe of the Week
A diet rich in veggies may help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Try Ratatouille, a French-inspired dish, for your next Sunday family dinner.

Featured Video
You don't need an ice cream machine to make this peach and brown sugar ice cream with ginger snap topping.  

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Applauds Senate For Passage Of Historic Farm Bill

For Release June 22, 2012
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Applauds Senate
For Passage Of Historic Farm Bill

CHICAGO – The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics praised the work of the United States Senate, in particular the Agriculture Committee, for passing the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act (S. 3240), also known as the 2012 Farm Bill, which will fund key nutrition programs that empower Americans to make healthy food choices.

“The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed) and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) funded in the Farm Bill have been shown to improve healthy eating behaviors to help reduce chronic disease, which results in fewer health-care dollars being spent. This historic piece of legislation emphasizes the important connection between food and health,” said registered dietitian and Academy President Ethan Bergman.

“Our members will continue to advocate for SNAP and other initiatives like the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program that help develop lifelong healthful eating habits, as well as to conduct the imperative food and nutrition research that provides the evidence needed to make sound policy decisions,” Bergman said.

The Academy recognized the efforts of Senators Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) and Pat Roberts (Kan.) for their bipartisan leadership in passing the bill 64-35.

The bill contains a $4.5 billion cut to SNAP that the Academy believes will negatively affect large numbers of struggling families. According to the Congressional Budget Office, an estimated 500,000 households a year will lose $90 per month in SNAP benefits, if the budget cut is made. USDAreports the average family covered under SNAP received $284 per month in 2011.

“We are disappointed to see the reduction in SNAP benefits to families who need it most,” Bergman said. “Having access to healthy affordable food is necessary for all Americans. Not only does SNAP help improve health, it improves local economies at a time when it is most needed. For every $5 in new SNAP benefits, $9.20 is generated in total economic activity, resulting in jobs for the communities.”

The Academy will continue working with leaders of the House of Representatives and other key partners in the public health, anti-hunger and agriculture communities to help ensure ultimate passage of an effective and fair Farm Bill.


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at


Kids Eat Right, Monday Message for June 18, 2012

article of the week
Young athletes in family? Plan for optimal nutrition for fueling & recovery.
hot tip
Summer brings picnics & potential for food poisoning. Learn how to be safe.

recipe of the week
Kids can like veggies! Try crispy-coated, baked veggies w/ pizza sauce dip.

featured video
Have a picky or finicky eater? Tips to make them more adventurous at the table.

Kids Eat Right, Monday Message for June 11, 2012

Article of the week
Dads, don that chef hat and show your kids how to eat right. Or go to the supermarket with them and load up on healthy eats.

Hot tip
Meat packages now have something new. Nutrition labels. Here’s what they mean. 

Recipe of the week
Want a great recipe to help your kids learn measuring skills while they have fun in the kitchen? Try this smoothie, loaded with nutrition powerhouses.

Featured video
Do your kids love tacos? Try these Fish Tacos with Corn Salsa. They’ll ask for more!

Fish Tacos with Corn Salsa
presented by Dawn Blatner, LDN RD CSSD

Men, Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!
Eat Right Now


Men, Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!
Eat Right Now to Prevent Future Illness, Says Academy Of Nutrition And Dietetics

CHICAGO – As part of National Men’s Health Week, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) encourages all men to build a healthful eating plan now to help prevent the development of illness and disease later in life. National Men’s Health Week is designed to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

“A nutrient-rich diet and a healthy lifestyle are your strongest line of defense against preventable illnesses, like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and stroke,” said registered dietitian and Academy spokesperson Jim White. “Even small steps towards a healthier lifestyle can really add up over time, giving you a much better chance of staying strong and in the game as you age.”

According to White, a healthy diet for men includes:

Filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables. “Be sure to include tomatoes or something made from tomatoes like pasta sauce because research indicates that the antioxidant lycopene found in tomato products may help prevent prostate cancer.”

Making at least half of your grains, whole grains. Replace refined grains with whole-grain bread, cereal, pasta, brown rice or oats.

At least two to three 8-ounce servings of fish per week. Choose lean meats.

At least 38 grams of fiber a day for younger men; 30 grams of fiber a day for men older than 50

Choosing unsaturated fats like oils, nuts and salad dressings instead of saturated fats like full-fat dairy foods, butter and high-fat sweets

4,700 milligrams a day of potassium from fruits, vegetables, fish and milk

Less sodium than you think. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consuming 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, which is about 1 teaspoon of salt.

To help men of all ages understand the fundamentals of a healthful eating plan and how it can help them prevent and manage disease, the Academy has developed numerous resources, including:

A thirty-second public serviceannouncement from registered dietitian and Academy President Ethan Bergman, offering easy tips to eat right for life.

An infographic (pdf) illustrating how food and nutrition affects a man’s body

Online resources at offering cooking, fitness and behavior tips and much more.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at

Media Contact:   Ryan O’Malley, Allison MacMunn
                          800/877-1600, ex. 4769, 4802

For Release June 5, 2012
Eatright Radio: Free Public Service Announcements Available
From Academy Of Nutrition and Dietetics

CHICAGO – The world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals is launching EatRight Radio, a new online resource with free public service announcements that encourage millions of people to improve their health.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has created a broadcast team of registered dietitians – the food and nutrition experts – to create a network of free public service announcements beginning this summer.

“Whether you’re at the gym, behind the wheel or in front of a computer, EatRight Radio offers practical health and nutrition advice to keep you healthy,” said registered dietitian and Academy President Ethan A. Bergman.

“The Academy’s new PSAs provide the opportunity for us to share with the public that when it comes to your health, little changes in eating and physical activity can really add up over time,” Bergman said.

Thirty- and sixty-second EatRight Radio PSAs are available online in both English and Spanish and feature a registered dietitian offering current science-based health and nutrition tips, including eating gluten-free, promoting children’s health, supporting a healthy pregnancy, the temptations of late-night snacking and more.

Visit the links below to preview examples of EatRight Radio messages from registered dietitians:

Jim White

EatingGluten-Free (30 seconds)
Constance Brown-Riggs

Melissa Joy Dobbins

Estadode salud y fĂ­sico de ancianos (Senior Health and Fitness) (30 seconds - Spanish)
Manuel Villacorta

Visit to learn more and to browse, preview and download PSAs, all free of charge.

Radio stations, bloggers and other content providers who would like to learn more or host a regular segment tailored for their audience can contact Ryan O’Malley at or 312/899-4769.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy. Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at

Academy Seeking Members for Evidence Analysis Projects

The Academy is seeking work group members for
Several Upcoming Evidence Analysis Projects:

 COPD Guideline Update
GDM Guideline Update
HF Guideline Update
HTN Update
Nutrition Supplementation
Obesity Reproduction and Pregnancy
Umami and Healthy Eating
Sodium Update Project

The main focus of Evidence Analysis Projects will be to answer pertinent questions related to the topic using the Academy’s systematic evidence analysis process.

Some of the workgroup responsibilities are below:

·Develop and prioritize questions for evidence analysis on specific topics

·Review and approve evidence-based summaries and conclusion statements

·Rate conclusions based on an evidence grading scale

·Review, finalize and approve the evidence-based information for publication on the Evidence Analysis Library

·Participate in teleconferences (about one or two per month during active phases of the project) and respond to emails.

This is an excellent opportunity for professional growth and a way to benefit the dietetics profession. 

If you are interested in any of the above projects please contact Lisa Moloney at for additional information.  Please state which project you are interested in and if possible attach your CV.  Please note, interested candidates will be sent a conflict of disclosure to be signed and completed.  

Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables can Host Harmful Pathogens

For Release by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables can Host Harmful Pathogens:
Tips to keep fruits and vegetables safe, avoid food poisoning

CHICAGO - Summer offers plenty of tasty fresh fruits and vegetables, but whether it comes from the local farmer’s market, grocer or even your own garden, produce may become contaminated with harmful pathogens that can cause food poisoning. As part of the Home Food Safety program, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and ConAgra Foods reminds Americans to safely enjoy produce with tips for buying, storing and preparing raw produce.

“One in six Americans gets sick every year from foodborne pathogens that you cannot see, smell or taste but are everywhere,” says registered dietitian and Academy spokesperson Sarah Krieger. “Eating any contaminated product - even produce labeled as organic or locally grown - can lead to food poisoning or even death.”

Each year, 3,000 Americans die from food poisoning. In 2011, listeria-contaminated produce caused the deadliest foodborne illness outbreak in nearly 90 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Harmful foodborne pathogens like E. Coli, salmonella, listeria and norovirus may contaminate fruits and vegetables from the soil or water or during harvesting.

“Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy eating plan, and should fill half of your plate, but just like any food product, extra precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of food poisoning,” Krieger says.

“Avoid produce with mold, bruises or cuts as these are great places for bacteria to hide and spread rapidly to other places of the fruit. Buy loose produce rather than pre-packaged and if you do buy pre-packaged, it doesn’t hurt to wash bagged-lettuce or pre-washed carrots even if the bag claims they are ready to eat.”

According to Krieger, it is imperative to wash fruits and vegetables with cool tap water before eating or serving; dry with a clean cloth or paper towel to eliminate bacteria; and use a knife to cut away any damaged or bruised areas. It is also important to wash produce before peeling to make sure dirt and bacteria aren’t transferred from the knife to your fruits or vegetables.

“Cross-contamination can lead to food poisoning when juices from raw foods like meat, poultry or chicken come in contact with ready-to-eat foods like raw produce,” Krieger says. “Using two cutting boards and a color-code system can help: one color cutting board for raw meats; and the other for your fruits and vegetables.”

Just like any prepared dish, cooked fruits and vegetables can perish and lead to food poisoning upon consuming. Krieger advises discarding cooked vegetables after three to four days and to label leftovers with an “eat-by” date to know when food is no longer safe to eat.

Download the Summer Produce Safety tip sheet, and visit for additional safety tips on how to properly store your produce and reduce your risk of food poisoning.

Quick-Fix Diets Aren't the Answer for Lifelong Health

Quick-Fix Diets Aren't the Answer for Lifelong Health

Quick-fix diets are routinely promoted as a magic bullet for weight loss. With the recent popularity of the K-E Diet or “feeding tube” diet, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reminds everyone that the best path to reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is a lifelong combination of eating smarter and moving more...and enlisting the help of a registered dietitian.

What Is the K-E Diet?
The so-called Ketogenic Nutrition or K-E Diet was developed to induce rapid weight loss by providing a specialized high-fat, high-protein, very low-carbohydrate (or ketogenic) diet through nasogastric feeding (insertion of a tube through the nose) for a period of 10 days. The formula is provided 24 hours a day using a pump.

Enteral nutrition – or feeding by tube – is a type of life-sustaining medical nutrition therapy that is intended to promote and restore the health of people who cannot consume food orally. There are valid medical reasons for employing such diets, including drug-resistant epilepsy.

However, the K-E Diet contains potential risks to both short-term and long-term health, including kidney damage and cholelithiasis (gallstones) from rapid weight loss. In addition, since the plan does not address the psychological and emotional reasons that cause many people to overeat, the lost weight is often regained once the diet is stopped.

No Endorsement by Academy
A website containing information on using the K-E Diet for quick weight loss lists several state affiliates of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as resources for learning about diets and eating habits. While the Academy and its affiliate organizations are reliable resources for information on eating right and staying healthy, the Academy does not in any way endorse the K-E Diet, or any other specific weight-loss plan.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics does support the use of enteral feedings solely as a method of nourishing individuals who are unable to eat by mouth.

The Academy’s Official Position on Weight Management
There is no “magic bullet” for safe and healthful weight management. Successful weight management is a lifelong process. It means adopting a lifestyle that includes a healthful eating plan coupled with regular physical activity. Weight loss in the range of one to two pounds per week is considered safe, and allows the individual to learn to manage food and drink intake while still getting the important nutrients his or her body needs.

The Academy’s position paper on weight management can be found at, and a podcast discussing the Academy’s position is at

Contact a Registered Dietitian
The Academy encourages anyone who wants to lose and maintain a healthy weight to contact a registered dietitian in his or her area. An RD can create a tailored and sustainable approach to healthful eating and weight loss that is based on your personal lifestyle and preferences.

Through their education, knowledge and experience, RDs specialize in translating nutrition science into practical advice. Visit the Academy’s website at to locate a registered dietitian near you.

Academy Poised to Implement Goals of
Institute of Medicine’s Report on Obesity



CHICAGO – Echoing a new report by the Institute of Medicine that progress in the United States in addressing the obesity epidemic has been too slow, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) and its members, some of whom served on the IOM committee, are leading community nutrition interventions across the country that are showing a tremendous impact.

The IOM report and its goals agree with several positions and efforts undertaken by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, specifically:

Make physical activity an integral and routine part of life
“Through our KidsEat Right and Energy Balance 4 Kids programs and partnerships with Fuel Up to Play 60 and the National Physical Activity Plan campaigns, the Academy is deeply involved at the community level, educating consumers on the importance of physical activity and how it, along with healthful eating, is the key to the prevention and management of diseases like obesity and diabetes,” said registered dietitian and Academy President Sylvia Escott-Stump.

Create food and beverage environments that ensure that healthy food and beverage options are the routine, easy choice
It is the position of the Academy that access to adequate amounts of safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food at all times is a fundamental human right. Hunger continues to be a worldwide problem of staggering proportions. The Academy supports programs and encourages practices that combat hunger and malnutrition, produce food security, promote self-sufficiency and are environmentally and economically sustainable.

“Dietetics professionals are uniquely qualified to develop relationships with elected officials and their staff members and to educate voters about the nutritional impact of policies and programs. There is an urgent need for nutrition professionals to become actively involved in seeing that the food assistance programs that support sustainable development are protected, improved and expanded,” Escott-Stump said.

Transform messages about physical activity and nutrition
It is the position of the Academy that the total diet or overall pattern of food eaten is the most important focus of a healthful eating style. All foods can fit within this pattern, if consumed in moderation with appropriate portion size and combined with regular physical activity. The Academy strives to communicate healthful eating messages to the public that emphasize a balance of foods, rather than any one food or meal.

Expand the roles of health care providers, insurers, and employers
For nearly two years, the Academy and its members have been building relationships and implementing tactics surrounding expansion of nutrition services under Medicare. The Academy worked with several members of Congress during the drafting of the Affordable Care Act to propose language that supported the role of the registered dietitian, and continues to hold dialogue with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regarding the expansion of coverage for medical nutrition therapy.

Make schools a national focal point
School nutrition is a top priority for the Academy. According to its Comprehensive School Nutrition Services position, one of three official positions on the topic of school and children’s nutrition:

…comprehensive, integrated nutrition services in schools, kindergarten through grade 12, are an essential component of coordinated school health programs and will improve the nutritional status, health, and academic performance of our nation’s children…by encouraging multidisciplinary wellness teams, composed of school and community members, to work together in identifying local school needs, developing feasible strategies to address priority areas, and integrating comprehensive nutrition services with a coordinated school health program.

"More than 1,200 Academy members belong to our School Nutrition Services practice group," Escott-Stump said. "These dedicated members are employed in child nutrition programs at the local, state and national levels; as researchers and educators; as corporate dietitians supplying products and services to school foodservice operations; as consultants in school nutrition and wellness; and in other fields where they help create healthier school environments."

Registered dietitians are uniquely qualified to improve the health of the public through effective weight management interventions and strategic partnerships. “For individuals and families, we need to get back to the basics of a healthy weight – following the healthful eating recommendations of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Choose MyPlate, and engaging in regular physical activity,” Escott-Stump said.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ website contains a wealth of information on healthful eating for children, teens, men, women (including during pregnancy) and older adults. Individuals can also usethe Academy’s site to locate a registered dietitian in their area.